Our actuaries maintain the highest professional credentials, such as Fellow in the Society of Actuaries (F.S.A.) and Enrolled Actuary under ERISA (E.A.), and complete continuing education to stay at the forefront of regulatory requirements and best practices in the industry. Our Actuarial & Consulting Group is available to partner with you to maintain compliance with ERISA and other governmental regulations. We strive to provide timely and relevant analysis of your benefit plans to facilitate strategic decision-making. We continually monitor new laws and regulations, to provide our clients appropriate action steps to deal with the maze of legislation such as Health Care Reform.
For 30 years, Dickinson Group’s mission has been to provide the highest level of regulatory compliance in the fulfillment of all Funds administrative services to Plan Sponsors. Trustees and the plans professional advisors are assured Dickinson Group L.L.C. continually updates its services and technology to exceed the challenges of constantly evolving regulations and industry standards. All compliance and controls are evidenced by independent annual SSAE 16 SOC 1 reports.
Dickinson Group, LLC, provides Claims Administration at the highest level of service that utilize the latest technology, systems and software to understand, implement and develop healthcare plans designed to meet today’s health care cost and regulatory challenges. Our dedicated claims specialists in collaboration with our sophisticated medical management personnel work diligently to effectively and economically administer your plans without sacrificing patient care. All compliance and controls are evidenced by independent annual SSAE 16 SOC 1 reports.
At a time of much confusion and uncertainty in the construct of the delivery and payment for healthcare and pension benefits, visionary and inventive solutions are demanded. The mission of Dickinson Group L.L.C. is to provide our clients with informed, creative, and compliant responses as well as solutions to their Health and Pension benefit plans goals. In collaboration with our clients and their professional advisors collectively each day we meet the challenges of providing the most valuable and responsive benefits at industry best economics. Our goal is to simply “Demonstrate Higher Standards” in all we do, everyday!